

Journey of writing paper of applying for Geography Master

Yesterday,Dr. Hui asked me to arrange my current study result to a paper, then submit the paper to Journal of BNU, Natural Sciences. If the paper will be submitted, the low-level paper at least relieve my guilty of my geography Master's degree. However, as I know, my result is very bad to submit the journal and maybe I won't achieve above wish before June in 2019. 

Whatever, first thanks for my supervisor PhD. Hui he is a perfect associate professor. The process of writing paper and modification will be good for me and improve my level and horizon. 

First Challenge:
Today(Nov. 2nd) ,  I encountered the first problem that adding reference. JBNU demands that format of reference papers should has only the first authors for paper and others using et al. Hyperlink[1] is my search result, but I cannot get anything after do as it said.

I think I knew why I failed after the parameters modification. I should use the existing IEEE format style to change. Hyperlink [1] doesn't illustrate very clear in output style of IEEE copy , in reality, this style generated in selection of IEEE style.

Fig.1 shows the original IEEE output style. Fig. 2 is JBNU template of references. All the modifications are achieved in Edit->Output Styles->Edit "IEEE Copy"( Modification window as Fig.3).
Fig.1 Reference Template of Journal of BNU
Fig.2 JBNU template of references label
Fig.3 Modification Location

Fig.4 Modification Result
It's 23:22.




LibSVM Chinese Brief Infroduction

Reference: [1]  https://blog.csdn.net/v_july_v/article/details/7624837 [2]  https://wenku.baidu.com/view/c402e983336c1eb91b375d37.html?fr...

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