

Import GDAL and arcpy ERROR in 64-bit Spyder


Environment: 64-bit andconda(Spyder) and IPython console Information is:
Two modules cannot are imported to Spyder under this environment.

1. import GDAL Error:

Solving Steps:

To type the following command sentence in Anaconda Prompt.
conda install -c conda-forge georasters

2. import arcpy Error:

Two Solving Reference Link:
Solving Steps:

Firstly, as @crafty762 said in hyperlink , I have to install ArcGIS for Desktop Background Geoprocessing(64-bit).

Then look for hyperlink, there are many methods to solve the problem. In the end, I solved the problem using @PolyGeo 's answer.
In the bottom of  Importing ArcPy is:
In my PC, I investigated to C:\Python27\ArcGISx6410.2\Lib\site-packages, which is the installing directory of ArcGIS for Desktop Background Geoprocessing(64-bit)there is a similar file named DTBGGP64.pth then opened it in Notepad++ :
Until then, I just realized the error is wrong first directory importing into PYTHONPATH manager, it should be the bin64 folder rather than bin folder:
Finally, I added these three directories to PYTHONPATH manager in Spyder, there is no error:

Happy Night! 

Oct. 2,2018 at midnight



LibSVM Chinese Brief Infroduction

Reference: [1]  https://blog.csdn.net/v_july_v/article/details/7624837 [2]  https://wenku.baidu.com/view/c402e983336c1eb91b375d37.html?fr...

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