Python 2D and 3D Scatter Plot Coding
2D scatter plot
Using the
method of the matplotlib.pyplot
module should work (at least with matplotlib 1.2.1 with Python 2.7.5), as in the example code below. Also, if you are using scatter plots, use scatterpoints=1
rather than numpoints=1
in the legend call to have only one point for each legend entry.
In the code below I've used random values rather than plotting the same range over and over, making all the plots visible (i.e. not overlapping each other).
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import random
colors = ['b', 'c', 'y', 'm', 'r']
lo = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='x', color=colors[0])
ll = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[0])
l = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[1])
a = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[2])
h = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[3])
hh = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='o', color=colors[4])
ho = plt.scatter(random(10), random(10), marker='x', color=colors[4])
plt.legend((lo, ll, l, a, h, hh, ho),
('Low Outlier', 'LoLo', 'Lo', 'Average', 'Hi', 'HiHi', 'High Outlier'),
loc='lower left',
3D scatter plot
To plot a scatter in 3D, use the
method, as the legend does not support Patch3DCollection
as is returned by the scatter
method of an Axes3D
instance. To specify the markerstyle you can include this as a positional argument in the method call, as seen in the example below. Optionally one can include argument to both the linestyle
and marker
parameters.import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from numpy.random import random
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
colors=['b', 'c', 'y', 'm', 'r']
ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'x', color=colors[0], label='Low Outlier')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[0], label='LoLo')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[1], label='Lo')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[2], label='Average')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[3], label='Hi')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'o', color=colors[4], label='HiHi')
ax.plot(random(10), random(10), random(10), 'x', color=colors[4], label='High Outlier')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', numpoints=1, ncol=3, fontsize=8, bbox_to_anchor=(0, 0))
博文 (Atom)
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Reference: [1] https://blog.csdn.net/v_july_v/article/details/7624837 [2] https://wenku.baidu.com/view/c402e983336c1eb91b375d37.html?fr...
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